Sonnenschutz gehört in Ländern wie Thailand zum täglichen 1×1 um der Haut keinen Schaden zuzufügen. Bedenken Sie hier bei, dass sich Thailand nahe des Equators befindet und Sie, wenn Sie die Umgebung erkunden oder einen kleinen Ausflug nebenher planen, immer auf den richtigen Sonnenschutz achten.
Es gibt einige Mittel um effektiv gegen die Hitze und die starke Sonnenstrahlung vorzugehen. Im folgenden zeigen wir Ihnen einige Arten des Sonnenschutzes und wie Sie sich trotz des Klimas jederzeit wohl fühlen können.

Provide recommendations early to allow guests to plan their trip.
Filling in your Guidebook on WP Rentals is a great way to compile your recommendations, and it makes it easy to grow and repurpose for future guests.
Personality is appreciated—recommend things you actually do yourself and places you like to go. A concierge might provide recommendations based on what they think an average tourist might like, but your tips can be more personalized.
Use the tips above and you’re bound to get great reviews and feedback like this:
“Our host’s tips about cheap food and other things to see nearby were right on. We’ll definitely be back again!”
“I am pretty widely traveled and fairly independent with it, meaning normally I like to figure things out myself, but there is no question: our host added great value to my experience.”
“The cheat sheet guide to the neighborhood our host sent to us in advance of our stay was great and we tried out a few of the recommendations on the list.”
As a trip approaches, anxiety increases for guests. Where do I need to go? How do I get there? How will I get a key for the space? How do I plan what to do on my trip? Put your guest at ease by giving them all of the info they’ll need up front instead of making them wait until the last minute. This establishes trust right away and will most likely garner you a great review, and great reviews lead to bookings.